June 30, 2010
Gallery walk in the Schleifmuehlgasse, Jun. 29. 2010
Cool waves, bad breath, martial poses and a (mis)take off are the ingredients of the summer cocktail of art at the Schleifmuehlgasse:
California feeling at
Christine Koenig Galerie
with a big neon wave by Valentin Ruhry –
"New Port Beach". Tex Rubinowitz curated "In the drawing room III" with Andreas Karner "The Devil's bad breath".
Galerie Kerstin Engholm
presents various female artists: Anna Artaker/Lilla Khoór, Renate Bertlmann, Marita Fraser, Eva Grubinger, Kathi Hofer, Birgit Jürgenssen, Tatiana Lecomte, Ulrike Lienbacher, Lone Haugaard Madsen, Lisa Ruyter, Patricia Reinhart, Eva Schlegel, Maja Vukoje, Astrid Wagner.
Galerie Georg Kargl
shows new paintings and drawings by Muntean / Rosenblum - and the remains of a performance held on the opening night.
Alexander Viscio takes on and off with the ultimate heavy easy chair - "Hang Gliding with a LazyBoy" at
Galerie Michaela Stock
Neonwellen aus Kalifornien, bleierner Mundgeruch, martialische Schutztruppen und ein fauler Fernsehsessel, der völlig abhebt, sind die Zutaten zu einem gelungenen Sommer-Kunst-Cocktail aus in der Schleifmühlgasse.
Christine Koenig Galerie:
Valentin Ruhry - "New Port Beach". "Im Zeichenraum III" mit Andreas Karner "Der Mundgeruch des Teufels" kuratiert von Tex Rubinowitz.
Galerie Kerstin Engholm
zeigt Künstlerinnen: Anna Artaker/Lilla Khoór, Renate Bertlmann, Marita Fraser, Eva Grubinger, Kathi Hofer, Birgit Jürgenssen, Tatiana Lecomte, Ulrike Lienbacher, Lone Haugaard Madsen, Lisa Ruyter, Patricia Reinhart, Eva Schlegel, Maja Vukoje, Astrid Wagner.
Galerie Georg Kargl
präsentiert neue Malerei und Zeichnungen von Muntean/Rosenblum - und die Überbleibsel einer Performance am Eröffnungsabend.
Alexander Viscio bringt einen fetten Fernsehsessel zum Abheben - "Hang Gliding with a LazyBoy" bei
Galerie Michaela Stock
all artworks © by the artists and their galleries.
June 28, 2010
Brigitte Kowanz "Now I see" at MUMOK, Vienna
's big hall Brigitte Kowanz´s light objects are mirrored into infinity. Upstairs shiny splahes, neon writings on the wall and coded light messages emit a cool technoide charm. Until Oct. 3.,2010
Die Lichtobjekte von Brigitte Kowanz spiegeln sich in der großen Halle des
, das sich, zum Spiegelsaal umgebaut, zu einem unendlichen Raum ausdehnt. Coolen technoiden Charm verströmen die Installationen aus Neonschrift und codierten Leuchtbotschaften. Bis 03.10.2010
all artworks © by brigitte kowanz and mumok
Mladen Miljanovic "Museum Service" at MUMOK
Opening reception of Mladen Miljanovic "Museum Service" at the
Wien. The winner of the Henkel Art.Award.2009 turns a Zastava 101, the legendary jugoslawian car, in to works of art. Till Sept. 12. 2010.
Mladen Miljanovic, der Henkel Art.Award. 2009 Preisträger zerlegt den legendären Zastava 101 im
in Kunst... Bis 12.09.2010.
all artworks © by mladen miljanovic and mumok
June 25, 2010
STREET AND STUDIO at Kunsthalle Wien
Opening Night of "STREET AND STUDIO from Basquiat to Séripop" at the
Kunsthalle Wien
. "I wanted to paint the town red, paint the town black" Jean-Michel Basquiat. A tale of the 80s, when artists expanded their work space from the studios into the whole city. And then some till today... Heavy catalog with collectors edition by the artists, street art walk in Vienna and other events. Until Oct. 10. 2010
Vernissage der großen Sommerausstellung "STREET AND STUDIO, von Basquiat to Séripop" in der
Kunsthalle Wien
. "Wie in den 80gern die Kunst die Studios und den goldenen Käfig des Kunstbetriebs verließ und die Städte eroberte..." Dicker Katalog und Begleitprogramm. Bis 10 Oktober.
artworks © by Rita Ackermann, Charlie Ahearn, Banksy, The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat/VBK, Wien, Brad Downey, Ingo Giezendanner, Shaun Gladwell; Foto/photo: Gotaro Uematsu, Jenny Holzer, member Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY/ VBK, Wien, Basim Magdy, Ari Marcopoulos, miz JUSTICE, Robin Rhode / photography and vodcast © theartVIEw
More about "Street and Studio":
Evan Roth about his
Graffiti Analysis: Sculptures
University of Applied Arts - "The Essence 10"
theartVIEw has a look at "The Essence 10" the annual exhibition of the
University of Applied Arts Vienna
, this year at the
. Open until July 18.
Diplomausstellung der
heuer im
bis 18. Juli.
all artworks © by the artists and the university of applied arts vienna
Brad Downey gives a brand new summer look to the
(MQ areal).
all art © by Brad Downey
June 23, 2010
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna "Thesis Exhibition 09I10"
theartVIEw explores new talents at the "Thesis Exhibition 09I10" of the
Academy of fine arts
in Vienna. Only until Jun. 24. 2010!
Akademie der Bildenden Künste
in Wien zeigt die Abschlussarbeiten 09|10. Nur bis zum 24. Juni 2010!
all art © by the artists and the academy of fine arts vienna
TONSPUR_2010 – Burkhard Stangl plays at MQ
presented new experimental and electronic music with Burkhard Stangl, Christian Fennesz und Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson – and sadly only a few enthusiasts held out on this cold and windy Sunday summer evening at the
in Vienna. Deserves to be repeated on a better day!
TONSPUR_2010 präsentierte neue experimentelle und elektronische Musik mit Burkhard Stangl, Christian Fennesz und Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson im
all sound © by the artist
June 21, 2010
Grundsteingasse Festival "Jetzt wirds ernst"
theartVIEw visits the
festival where art is presented in several locations and various forms: music, film, installations, painting, fotography, performance. From Jun 12. - 26. 2010.
lost in vienna
Philipp Blume, BUSK, Casaluce/Geiger, Michael Goldgruber, Luiza Margan, Sissa Micheli und Frederike Schweizer.
: Verena Bayer "verstreute augen, andere gedichte"
gallery hrobsky showroom
: Stefan Pani "benchmark II" , Daniel Ferstl "7/10"
masc foundation
: installatons by Claudia Plank/Hans Werner Poschauko,and Nicolás Behr
Beim Grundsteingasse Festival zeigen diverse Off Spaces Kunst in verschiedensten Formen. Musik, Film, Fotografie, Malerei, Installationen, Performance... Noch bis zum 26. Juni 2010.
all art © by the artists and their galleries
June 14, 2010
Heinrich Kuehn – "Perfect Photography" at ALBERTINA, Vienna
shows a highly profound retrospective of Heinrich Kuehn's photographic work.
Heinrich Kuehn was one of the early photographers, who (around 1900) tried to establish photography as an art form. And like the painters of his time he was more interested to express emotions and feelings in his pictures rather than recording a sharp and detailed reality. He was friends with and influenced by the famous American photographers Alfred Stieglitz, Frank Eugene and Edward Steichen and painters like Max Liebermann.
Kuehn was very much interested in the technical aspects of photography and not only invented a new camera but brought gum and pigment printing to an unknown perfection. He also experimented with color photography and left beautiful autochromes of his family and still lifes, which look almost like impressionistic paintings.
Until Aug. 29. 2010, the exhibition will than travel to the Musée d’Orsay in Paris and to the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston/Texas. The catalogue is published in three versions – English, German and French.
zeigt eine große Retrospektive von Heinrich Kühn, einer der ersten Fotopioniere, der die Fotografie als Kunstform etablieren half. Parallel zu den Intensionen in der Malerei interessierten ihn Stimmungen und der Ausdruck von Gefühlen mehr als die Abbildung von Realität. Besonders seine frühen Farbfotographien erinnern daher an impressionistische Gemälde.
Galerie Georg Kargl Box
zeigt parallel dazu Fotos von Heinrich Kühn, die auch zu kaufen sind.
© by heinrich kuehn estate
June 13, 2010
Tipp: Ke Nako Afrika - Livemusik aus Afrika zur WM2010
Ke Nako Afrika präsentiert in verschiedenen Österreichischen Städten vor den Spielen Musiker aus Afrika! Programm unter
June 11, 2010
theartVIEw – Gallerywalk Jun. 10., 2010 in Vienna
the artVIEw is walking the galleries on a tropical evening in Vienna and colorful expressive paintings and playful and humerous sculptures makes it a perfect summer experienc, sprinkled with cool photography. Go, see for yourself!
Tropenfeeling beim Galerienrundgang in Wien – passend dazu die grellbunten, expressiven Gemälde, verspielte Skulpturen und coole Fotografien.
Maria Bussman - accension at
Gallery Hilger
Sebastin Weissenbacher - Meaning of life at
hilger contemporary
Otto Muehl at
Gallery Krinzinger
Guillaume Bruère - saw cuts at
Galerie Heike Curtze
Petar Mirkovic at
lukasfeichtner gallery
Ville Lenkkeri at
Jan Merta and Donelle Woolford at
Gallery Martin Janda
Esther Stocker at
Gallery Krobath
Martina Steckholzer and Frank Stella at
Gallery Meyer Kainer
Dejan Kaludjerovic at
Gallery Steinek
all artworks © by the artists and their galleries
June 04, 2010
Generali Foundation – Behind the Fourth Wall
theartVIEw takes a look at the exhibition "Behind the Fourth Wall – Fictitious Lives / Lived Fictions". The
Generali Foundation
shows videos, installations and performances around the questions of how real is reality, fiction, delusion and simulations of the real in a "made" world, where the difference between beeing and appearance have long been abolished. Until Aug 15, 2010.
Harun Farocki, Omar Fast, Michael Fliri, Andrea Geyer, Marcello Maloberti, Aeronaut Mik, Fredéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Judy Radul, Allan Sekula, Ian Wallace.
Die Ausstellung "Hinter der Vierten Wand. Fiktive Leben / Gelebte Fiktionen" in der
Generali Foundation
setzt sich mit der Frage "Wie wirklich ist die Wirklichkeit?" auseinander – mit Fiktionen, Trugbildern und Simulationen des Realen in einer zunehmend "gemachten Welt".
© all artworks @ by the artist and generali foundation. all photographs and video stills by or courtesy of generali foundation collection, vienna; arratia; beer, berlin; gb agency, paris; postmasters, new york; wilfried lentz, rotterdam; morris and helen belkin art gallery and catriona jeffries gallery, vancouver; collection of the vancouver art gallery, promised gift of rick erickson; theartVIEw.
This time due to copyright issues the stills are by theartVIEw and from press material by generali foundation.
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