The exhibition JOSEF FRANK: Against Design at MAK presents the full scope of Frank’s pioneering and diverse oeuvre. Josef Frank (born in 1885 in the town of Baden near Vienna) is not only one of the most important Austrian architects of the 20th century, but also, with his designs for textiles and furniture, one of the modernist designers whose influence continues to be felt in international design today. In 1933 Frank saw no choice but to leave Austria in light of the mounting anti-Semitism and emigrated to Sweden, where—apart from a period spent living and working in the United States between 1939 and 1947—he continued to live up until his death in 1967. Frank`s work as a designer continues to be considered contemporary today. Especially today, Josef Frank’s ideas about an uncontrived and unpretentious functionality, whose aim was an independent, free, enlightened bourgeois domestic culture far from stylistic dogmas and fashionable conventions, seem more relevant than ever. Curators: Hermann Czech, Sebastian Hackenschmidt. Dec 16th, 2015 – April 3rd, 2016.
Die Ausstellung JOSEF FRANK: Against Design im MAK widmet sich dem wegweisenden und vielfältigen Œuvre des Architekten und Designer. Der 1885 in Baden bei Wien geborene Josef Frank, der Aufgrund des zunehmenden Antisemitismus im Jahr 1933 nach Schweden emigrierte, zählt nicht nur zu den bedeutendsten österreichischen ArchitektInnen des 20. Jahrhunderts, sondern mit seinen Entwürfen für Textilien und Möbel auch zu den GestalterInnen der Moderne, denen das internationale Design bis heute wichtige Impulse verdankt. Kuratoren: Hermann Czech, Sebastian Hackenschmidt. 16.12.2015 – 03.04.2016.
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