Autumn at the Garden of Earthly Desires created by Franz West at BELVEDERE
Herbst im von Franz West gestalteten Garten der Lüsteim Unteren Belvedere.
Heinrich Dunst reads Konrad Bayer
Exerpts from a performance talk between Franz West and Heinrich Dunst initiated by Tamuna Sirbiladze in Lisa Ruyter's art space on April 4, 2012. During most of the talk Franz West was hidden from the lookers on behind a wall. At the end Heinrich Dunst reads the poem "franz" by Konrad Bayer from 1958.
Ausschnitt aus dem von Tamuna Sirbiladze in Lisa Ruyter's art space initierten Performance Talk (bei der Franz West für die Zuschauer hinter einer Wand verborgen war). Heinrich Dunst liest das Gedicht "franz" von Konrad Bayer von 1958. 04. April 2012.